Thursday, August 11, 2011

Attack of the Locusts/Secadas?

Live in KY, and in the last few weeks there are TONS of locusts/secadas all over the front of my house/patio. If I come out at night I see them "hatching" out of their brown exoskeleton-they stick to the front of my house by my door & then land on my patio, by morning there are usually about 20 all over my patio.I keep sweeping them away but a few hours later, they are always back and new ones are back hatching on my house. I sparyed a pest control spray all over-but it didn't do anything. Any tips on what can ward them off of my house and patio? I don't care if they are on the lawn or trees but I am sick of having to walk through them to come in & out of my house. Are there any products I can buy myself or certain scents, flowers, anything that I can put there to keep them away?Please don't suggest I call professional help, can't afford it, please give me tips on things I can purchase or do MYSELF to help keep them off my house and front door and patio, THANK YOU.

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