Sunday, August 7, 2011

How do I knock this crap on the head, please, guys?

For the record, there's the gang of young girls who hang about outside the branch of Mc.D's that my girlfriend works at, and everytime I go up there to meet my other half from work, and they're outside, they "ask me out" and make disgusting, and highly ually-suggestive remarks at me. All I ever get out of them is: "Hey, y! Will you go out with me?" Granted, it WAS kind of funny first time round, but it's getting boring now, quite frankly, 'cos it's the same **** over and over and over again! Now, I have never, and would never cheat on a girlfriend, so I've got no intentions whatsoever, of cheating on my girlfriend with ANY of these girls, 'cos for the record, I'm more in love with her than you'll ever know, (and frankly, I wouldn't touch any of these girls with a bloody mile-long bargepole, even if I WAS single, and they were the last bleedin' girls on earth, because they're far too bleedin' childish for me!) How can I get these stupid, immature little girls to bugger off? 'Cos they're getting on my bloody wick, quite frankly! I'd really appreciate your angles on this one, please, guys. Much obliged! Peace and love! Be lucky! :)

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