Tuesday, August 9, 2011

I feel so mad, how do I relieve my anger?

Alright, so yes, I am PMSING. But after two hours of hardwork on my essay, and a additional 2 hours of studying, I feel tired. i want to be left alone, but nooooo. ________ keeps texting me over and over again on how to start out her essay, end it, how long it should be, what it should contain, how to put sentences in a more specific and clarified way, and asking me for everything! why can't she just do it herself, I know she needs help and appreciates my guidance but I am running out of patience! Then my brother starts making me do this and that for him AND THEN my dad goes into my room and says "stop sticking your nose in that computer" when i barely got on... and after 4 hours of work + school + workwork at the radio station, i deserve to do something leisurely even if that means play games or go on Y!A.

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